In the light of following up on everything new in various financing methods generally in the world and specifically the Middle East and North Africa region, Dr. Hassan Hafez, the CEO and Managing Director of the Egyptian Financial Company for Sovereign Taskeek, had responded to the invitation of the Islamic Development Bank in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the “Private Sector Forum for the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group PSF 2024” from April 27 till April 30, 2024. This forum was organized by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group member institutions – The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). With the participation and presence of Ministers, Governors from the Islamic Development Bank, and high-ranking government officials, and leaders from various sectors worldwide. This important event will coincide with the IsDB Group Annual Meetings and the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of “The Islamic Development Bank” unfolding under the gracious patronage of the Custodian of “The Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud”.
PSF 2024 aims to:
– Foster unparalleled networking opportunities for stakeholders from the global business community to exchange insights and success stories.
– Showcase the IsDB Group’s substantial contributions to reinforce Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and support the 2030 vision in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
– Promote investment and trade opportunities offered by member countries.
– Highlight IsDB Group activities, projects, services, and initiatives in member countries.
– Connect the business communities within our Member Countries through B2B and B2G meetings.
– Provide a platform for partners and startups to showcase the innovations and services they offer.
– Celebrate achievements of organizations and individuals through IsDB Group Awards Ceremony.